Artistic style is a very personal and often confusing aspect of artistic creation to master. It can years to develop a style of work that speaks to you and your creative aims, however Mike Thebridge is making it look easy. Having recently changed up his approach to the work that he creates, I wanted to find out more about the new style that he has created, as well as his insights and advice on the world of art.

I met Mike at a festival back in September of this year, and was immediately drawn over to his work at a stand that he had at Cross the Tracks. The use of colour and the blend of the abstract and expressionism in his pieces gave his art a certain quality to it that seemed to not only catch your eye, but hold it there. Featuring photos of some of his work below the interview, I’m sure you will agree.


How long have you been creating art for? Has it always been something you’ve been into, or it came later on?

I studied art at school and painting at university. It took a few years after university to find a creative style and path I was happy with and start working towards being a full-time artist. I guess I always wanted it but never quite knew how to make it happen. I'm still always experimenting with new ways of making and sharing my art.


How would you describe your style? Would you say it’s changed over your career?

Psychedelic abstraction collaged with some realist representation. It's a mix of what I like to create - always bold and colourful and I like the tension between the real and the abstract. It's definitely changed many time over the past few years and it's still evolving. 


Would you say that the events you display your work at, help you to connect your art more with the public?

100%. It’s great to get out and see people respond to my art. I love the facial expressions people pull when they look at it. I always want to hear what people see, think and are reminded of. It always leads to interesting conversations and helps you understand other people and how their brains work!


Your new work seems to blend the worlds of the abstract and the realistic in your portraiture. Has this been a hard balance to find? 

Yeah it's been a struggle to bring them together in a coherent way without forcing. I really enjoy creating in both styles, each has a unique set of challenges, but I think the contrast speaks volumes about the nature of reality versus our experience. 


Do you prefer working digitally with your artwork or do you lean more towards a physical approach to your paintings?

I only really started painting again about 18 months ago after about 5 years break since university. During that time I was making it digitally as it suited my situation better, so now I have a big archive of images and patterns to use in the paintings. So at the moment I'm focusing on the physical creation but will definitely return to digital making in the near future. 


A lot of people believe that you’re either ‘good’ at art, or you’re not. Do you agree, or do you think it’s something that people can learn?

It's a bit of both, some people are naturally talented and find it easy but there's also a lot you can learn. I used to suck at drawing faces and now it's my main subject. I've always found using and balancing colours comes naturally. But if you immerse yourself in something and practice, your brain can rewire itself! 


What advice would you give to the artist just starting off, as well as the artist that’s now in the process of perfecting their style?

Keep creating and sharing every day. Don't wait for perfection. Hone your skills and get comfortable with putting your work out there even if you're unsure about it. It can be really painful and take a long time to shake off self-doubt (it will never go away completely). Your ideas won't develop if you only keep them in your head and your art won't sell if you don't show it to anyone! 


What do you have in the works? Any new exhibitions or events?

Roy's art fair in London at the end of November (26-28th) and I'll be doing a bunch of markets almost daily in December (locations tbc).

Creatively, I'm going to keep producing many more semi abstract portraits. I have so many ideas to explore and limitless interest in people and the magic of human experience. 

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Mike Thebridge